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How To Write A Thesis Abstract

If you're unsure about how to write a thesis abstract, consider these ten tips on how to write a thesis abstract from Thesis Services.

1. Write Your Thesis

If you've started your thesis-writing process by writing your abstract but are struggling with this, consider an alternative approach: instead of writing your abstract first, first write your thesis draft. You can make notes about abstracts while writing your thesis draft and even research theses abstracts so, as your abstract is based on your thesis, if you're struggling to write your thesis abstract first, then write your thesis then return to your thesis abstract. (Note that even a rough draft abstract can be a useful guide for your thesis writing.)

2. Follow Your Abstract Type And Guidelines

Identify which type of abstract yours is and write it accordingly – for example, descriptive and informative abstracts have differences. Also follow guidelines and requirements from your university and relevant others, including for word count, content, presentation/layout and language.

3. Research Other Thesis Abstracts

Analyse other thesis abstracts to identify strengths and weaknesses but also what they contain, what they do and what they achieve. First do this generally, then do it in your specific subject, for your particular abstract type and in/for your own university. Follow conventions, but also give your abstract acceptable, effective and justified originality.

4. Clarify And Develop Content Areas

Many theses and thesis types share commonalities about what thesis abstracts are and what to include in your thesis abstract (though differences exist). Check you're including required parts for your thesis abstract, but also include required variations (e.g. some methods summarise materials). If yours has or benefits from a specific requirement, include it. The essence is to condense each into an extremely short snapshot, which you can do using other points here.

5. Structure Your Thesis Abstract Accordingly

Many replicate their thesis structure in their thesis abstract to give standardisation. Variations and additions are possible and sometimes desirable, but these must improve the thesis abstract and be justified.

6. Make A Strong Opening

How will you begin: a useful thesis statement, problem identification, a suggestion of significance? Important information first is common advice for thesis abstract writers, but grab readers from the outset.

7. Attract Target Readers

Primarily, your thesis abstract should satisfy and impress supervisors and examiners (intriguing them, motivating them to read the whole thesis, etc.) so prioritise them but also consider others. Note that future researchers will be checking your thesis for relevance, significance and usefulness for their research. Your thesis abstract showcases your thesis – a major part of your complete academic writing works. In the future, potential employees, research institutions and universities could be reading your abstract. Your thesis abstract should attract this broad readership, but focus on your immediate academic results (supervisors and examiners).

8. Create Original Text

Thesis abstracts are original pieces of writing. Although they offer a micro-version of your thesis, simply copying and pasting or even paraphrasing chunks of text from your thesis is insufficient for thesis abstracts, though overlaps do exist. Do make sure you've addressed all essential points in your thesis abstract writing.

9. Language And Keywords

Make language absolutely clear in your thesis abstract for reading and digesting meaning. Also, concision is desirable so waste no words. Your language and style should match the thesis and fit style guidelines. Also, keywords are useful as markers and for search purposes, as potential readers can electronically search thesis abstracts.

10. Ask Questions

Ask questions to ensure you've provided and done what's required. For example:

If you want help with your thesis abstract and the rest of your thesis, contact me now to discuss what you need to achieve academic success.