doctorate cap through thesis proofreading, editing and rewriting services

Thesis Proof Edit Rewrite Services

Helping You Achieve Academic Success

Essay Editing Services

If you've drafted your essay but need an independent eye to identify issues and help you improve your essay further, my essay editing services (plus more) offer you what you need.

What My Essay Editing Services Involve

Essay editing generally involves more than simply proofreading, so you can use my essay editing services to improve your sentences, develop your points and enhance the readabilty of your essay. Actually, though, what my essay editing services involve – besides these common features – depends on you and your work as my services are bespoke to your individual needs. So, whatever your editorial needs, use my essay editing services to overcome problems and improve your essay.

Essay Proof-Editing

Ideally, you will use an essay editing service and then, after your amendments, you will then use an essay proofreading service. However, this is not always feasible (e.g. time, cost) so my proof-editing service combines aspects of both, but this is obviously not ideal. Also, clients must be careful about their subsequent amendments, deletions and additions. Nevertheless, an essay proof-editing service is perhaps what people in particular circumstances need. (Read more about proof-editing services.)

"I warmly recommend Col as an editor and proofreader for your essay. Col does not just follow the required style but helps you with the scientific language and gives many suggestions about how you can improve your essay."

Anna, Stockholm

Essay Editing and Essay Rewriting Services

Sometimes students have written a good essay but problems remain, so they need essay editing plus more. They've perhaps even been told to "rewrite your essay". I offer various comments to help you rewrite your essay but I will not rewrite your essay for you, and I provide this service only when it is appropriate. This detailed editing service (or essay rewriting service) therefore helps you to rewrite your essay, but I will not cross ethical boundaries.

"The comments are really helpful. I will read them and rewrite my essay very carefully."

Y. M.

If you want to use my essay editing service, my essay rewriting service or my essay proof-editing service, contact me now.