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Need 'Only' Thesis Proofreading?

Another thesis proofreader/editor discusses the common misnomer of students needing 'only' thesis proofreading.

Thesis Services: So, tell me about your thesis proofreading services.

Thesis Proofreader: Well, proofreading a thesis is a part of the overall thesis edit. In fact, I don't think I've ever done a thesis proofread without providing other services.

Thesis Services: So where do you think it's come from, the idea that theses require proofreading only?

Thesis Proofreader: Partly from universities as supervisors perhaps just say the thesis needs a proofread, not editing. And partly from students, as thesis proofreading is the term used so thesis proofreading is the service they think they want.

Thesis Services: But it usually isn't?

Thesis Proofreader: Not in my experience. Thesis writers usually don’t need proofreading 'only', and I'm often the first person to introduce them to an edit. Many clients say thesis proofreading but during discussions they realise that their thesis needs editing. Some may say thesis proofreading deliberately because proofreading is the cheapest service. I do obviously make proofreading points, but a thesis can’t be finalised in terms of proofreading during the editing stage.

Thesis Services: The logical process is an editing stage then a proofreading stage, even for theses.

Thesis Proofreader: Of course. There's no way you can proofread before editing, and integrating the two services can be tricky. Ideally, it would have two separate stages – a thesis edit then a thesis proofread – but this has cost and time implications. Also, I make comments so the student can subsequently tweak their thesis; if there’s no additional thesis proofreading stage, minor errors can creep in.

Thesis Services: So you don’t think you’d ever just provide a thesis proofreading service?

Thesis Proofreader: A separate thesis proofread? Only if the thesis was at this stage and the student wanted to polish it so that the thesis shined ever so brightly, but it’s usually ‘good enough’. I’ve never done a separate thesis proofread. Interestingly, I once conducted a detailed questionnaire with clients about theses. Not one used the term editing. They all used thesis proofreading, yet not one had received a separate thesis proofreading service. There are occasions for providing just a thesis proofreading service, but as yet I haven’t. What about you?

Thesis Services: I’ve provided a separate thesis proofreading service only twice, and they both relate to your point about getting the thesis to shine brightly. The first was for an extremely competent academic writer who had produced a great thesis that did require proofreading 'only'. The thesis was 'good enough' but the client wanted all minor mistakes removed so I provided a thesis proofread. The other time was when someone was submitting their PhD thesis to a book publisher. The thesis required a few tweaks and additions but nothing major, so it was kind of a thesis proofread – it was basically their PhD thesis but for an academic book publisher. Maybe this doesn’t count, so a separate thesis proofreading service seems rare.

Thesis Proofreader: Most definitely, but it's still the main term students use when requesting thesis help.

If you want to discuss what you need, contact me now.